Making things more secure with G-Pay

Transactions occur among millions of users and thus there has recently been a hike in frauds online. Google intends to flash warnings for users who are on the verge of making payments to a contact. The app might even vibrate fornthe users to get more attentive before making the final payment. · Google recently announced a number of measures to check frauds online. With the huge popularity of the UPI platform, Google Pay, this tightening of measures is a much welcome step that could make the app more secure. · The latest revelations occurred during the Google For India on Monday, earlier in the week. Google is making extensive use of machine learning, as per information it posted on its blog, to help detect fraud transactions on the Google Pay app.

Following up from thanksgiving

Earlier, during Thanksgiving season in November, Google had warned against Gmail emails that were targeted at phishing customers and users. Back them Google released a statement, “These con artists are pesky and persistent during the best of times, but during the holiday season their behaviour is even more extreme. That’s why we have a dedicated team of Googlers who work around the clock to thwart these uninvited guests.” Gmail users generally are well guarded against getting spam messages. However, in a bid to not let slip-offs occur, Google had released tips to make users stay safer. The top things to distrust, as per the Google message at that time were- · Crypto scams · Subscription renewal scam · Lottery messages · Holiday coupon scams The primary tip in this context will be top never open a message when you are unsure of the sender. Avoid clicking on links or haring personal data too. As far as the new warnings related to Google pay are concerned, users can access transaction history based on activity type. Google further added, “Through it all, security is the cornerstone of our product strategy. We focus on the fundamentals of security and software development to design products that are secure by default, private by design and put users in control. While people navigate the internet, it is important that they get safe access to quality information.”

Summing Up

The statement asserts that going on into the new year, Google is committed at putting tech to work better while assuring about the safety of users in India. The internet is about making things better, after all, not riskier!

AI on Google Pay Might Warn you about Fraud Transactions - 46AI on Google Pay Might Warn you about Fraud Transactions - 32AI on Google Pay Might Warn you about Fraud Transactions - 90AI on Google Pay Might Warn you about Fraud Transactions - 76AI on Google Pay Might Warn you about Fraud Transactions - 56