Android Kitkat v4.4.2 has been in news for quite some time now. But, regardless of the past complaints from users of the first generation OS, the problem continues to exist. A large number of GS4 users have switched to Kitkat 4.4.2, but many of them complained about battery life and other issues. Carriers such as Verizon Wireless have also launched the new OS. But with this, the number of complains have risen. While Android KitkKat 4.4.2 offer new specs and enhancements, the number of bugs also worry the users. Though the performance is fine, but users still have to handle the bugs. One issue is the impact on battery life. As per GS4 users, they experience smaller battery life with Android 4.2.2 KitKat and a same problem plagues Galaxy Note 3 users too. As per Mobile Bloom report, one user lost his battery life by 30% after switching to the KitKat update. This means 70% of the battery deteriorated in just 3 hours.the performance of GS4 was standstill with KitKat update. It took time for people to switch between apps. The black screen problem suggest by a user got a quick fix. All you need to do is open Settings- Lock Screen – Lock Screen Widgets- Clock. And for battery, resetting and switching back to previous operating system could be temporary solution, till Google solves it

Android 4 4 2 KitKat Update For Samsung Galaxy S4  Note 3 - 21Android 4 4 2 KitKat Update For Samsung Galaxy S4  Note 3 - 45Android 4 4 2 KitKat Update For Samsung Galaxy S4  Note 3 - 69Android 4 4 2 KitKat Update For Samsung Galaxy S4  Note 3 - 72Android 4 4 2 KitKat Update For Samsung Galaxy S4  Note 3 - 65