A black profile picture on Facebook is not confined to the limits, and they could have any meaning behind the photo they want. There also could be no meaning behind a black photo. It could just be a profile picture.
Facebook Black Profile Meaning
1. They’re Trying to Convey A Certain Mood/Vibe
Someone might have a black profile picture on Facebook in an attempt to convey a certain mood or vibe. Black is known for giving off energies that allude to mystery, power, elegance, and sophistication. If someone has a black profile picture on Facebook, it may be because they want to convey these moods and vibes. Being mysterious, powerful, elegant, or sophisticated are all fascinating moods and vibes but also very common. People who want to give off these moods or vibes may turn their profile picture on Facebook to black. This can inform their friends and families that they are in these moods or feeling this way. It is a great way to communicate with others without actually having to have a conversation if they are uncomfortable sharing their thoughts. While these are all moods that should not raise concern if you see a black profile picture on Facebook, black can also convey anger and sadness. If someone has changed their profile picture to black on Facebook to share with those around them that they are feeling feelings of anger or sadness, this should be taken more seriously than other moods and vibes. While you cannot tell which specific moods and vibes they are conveying through a picture, it is never a bad idea to reach out to a friend and ask if they are okay. People who are sad or angry might have trouble conversing with their friends and family. Changing their profile picture to black might be the only way they know how to share their mood and vibes. If you see a black picture as a profile photo on Facebook, it will not hurt anyone if you reach out to them.
2. There’s A Trend Going on That Requires You to Post A Black Profile Picture
Trends are enormous on social media. Thus, you may see a black profile picture on Facebook due to a movement going around. You might have already known, but Facebook often offers little covers or add-ons to put over your current profile picture. There have been many of these in the past, such as an LGBTQ+ frame for pride month, a Texas frame in support of the lives lost to a tragedy of gun violence at a school, an Italian flag following a terrorist attack on their people, and so many more. A black profile picture is the same thing. It is a way to participate in a trend. Many people may have set their profile picture on Facebook to black following June 19th. This has recently become a national holiday, known as Juneteenth. Juneteenth celebrates the emancipation of enslaved people in the United States. Another reason may be to support BLM. BLM stands for Black Lives Matter. While this organization has existed since 2013, it gained much attention in 2020 following George Floyd’s death. He was one of many black people in the United States whom the police have brutally murdered. Black Lives Matter started the trend of posting a black picture in support of the organization. Black Out Tuesday was held in 2020, where people across the globe posted a black photo to show that they were outraged at these murders and change needs to happen. Various people have kept their black photos attached to their profiles since. They have also continued to post a black photo two years after Black Out Tuesday to continue to show support for the black community as they still face racial bias from the police.
3, BLM
Another reason may be to support BLM. BLM stands for Black Lives Matter. While this organization has existed since 2013, it gained much attention in 2020 following George Floyd’s death. He was one of many black people in the United States whom the police have brutally murdered. Black Lives Matter started the trend of posting a black picture in support of the organization. Black Out Tuesday was held in 2020, where people across the globe posted a black photo to show that they were outraged at these murders and change needs to happen. Various people have kept their black photos attached to their profiles since. They have also continued to post a black photo two years after Black Out Tuesday to continue to show support for the black community as they still face racial bias from the police. If you see someone on Facebook that has their profile picture set to a black photo, there is a good chance they are supporting Black Lives Matter. Another indication of this organization is a black fist. If they have Black Lives Matter anywhere else on their profile, have posted an image containing a black fist which is the logo attached to Black Lives Matter, or have shared any other type of support for the black community, their black profile picture very well could be to share their support for Black Lives Matter. While a black profile picture on Facebook does not 100% mean they changed it for Black Lives Matter, there is still a very good chance.
4. They’re Depressed
Black can also be a sign that they are feeling sad. If someone has changed their profile picture to black on Facebook, it could be to share with those around them that they are feeling sad and depressed. This should be taken seriously if you think that someone has changed their profile picture to black on Facebook because they are depressed. While you cannot tell for sure that they have changed their profile picture because they are depressed, it is never a bad idea to reach out to a friend and ask if they are okay. People who are going through depression might have trouble conversing with their friends and family. Changing their profile picture to black might be the only way they know how to share their depressive state. If you see a black picture as a profile photo on Facebook, it will not hurt anyone if you reach out to them. You should be especially concerned if they have recently gone through a significant life change that could lead to depression. If they have gone through a break-up, lost someone close to them, lost a job, or anything else that could trigger a depressive episode, you should note if they change their profile picture to black. Black is a color known for sadness and depression. It is the color usually worn to funerals. Anytime someone changes their profile picture to black on Facebook, there is always a chance that they are depressed. The only way they can express this depression is through a change in their profile picture.
5. They Have Nothing Else to Post
There might actually not be any meaning behind a black photo being set as a profile picture on Facebook. It could be because they have nothing else to post as their profile picture on Facebook. Maybe they do not have any photos of themselves they like enough to post, or they want to keep some privacy, so they do not wish to post a picture of themselves on Facebook. There are so many reasons why people do not want to attach a picture of their face to the Internet. If they have nothing else that they wish their profile picture to be on Facebook, using a black photo is a solid option. While it may be interpreted as trying to convey a mood, they are depressed, they have lost someone close to them, and they are supporting Black Lives Matter, they are participating in a trend or so many other reasons. Just know, there is a chance the only motivation behind the black profile picture on Facebook is because they had nothing else to post.
6. Someone Close to Them Has Died
Black can also be a sign that they are feeling sad. If someone has changed their profile picture to black on Facebook, it could be to share with those around them that they are feeling sad and depressed. This should be taken seriously if you think someone has changed their profile picture to black on Facebook because they are depressed. If someone close to them has died, this should be concerning. Losing someone close can trigger depression quickly. Black is a color that expresses mourning. If someone is in the mourning process, changing their profile picture to black is a way to share their mourning with others. Maybe they do not want to publicly share whom they have lost but want to inform others that they are mourning someone. Changing their profile picture to black on Facebook might be their way of telling their friends and family that they are going through a loss. While they may not be depressed because of this loss, they are still having a tough time. You can always send them a quick message on Facebook to check-in. This could make their mourning period a little easier because they know their friend and family are they for them through this time.