There are quite a few reasons why this might be happening to you. Once you can figure out the cause, you can try different solutions so you can tag your significant other in your relationship status update.
Why is Facebook Relationship Status Not Showing Name?
1. You’ve Recently Became Friends
Fix – Give It A Few Days Before Trying.
If you are trying to tag your significant other in a Facebook relationship status update, but their account is not showing up, you might need to wait a few days if you recently became friends. Facebook is an app that is heavily used across the globe. Sometimes, the app cannot keep up with the demands of its users. If you just added your significant other on Facebook because you recently met or they just made an account, Facebook still is processing this new friendship. If you wait a couple more days to tag them in your relationship status update, their account might appear now. Giving the app a couple of days to think and process things will allow you to find their account when tagging someone on Facebook potentially. You might want to share this news with your friends and family, so waiting a few days can seem annoying. However, if you wait until you can tag your significant other, you will not have to deal with all of your friends and family asking who this news is with. You can tag them if you wait for Facebook to process your friendship.
2, They’ve Changed Their Privacy Settings So No One Can Tag Them or Find Them in Any Search Bar
Fix – Tell Them to Change Their Privacy Setting.
If someone has changed their privacy settings so that you have to be friends with them or be added to their page to see their content, you could ask this individual to change their privacy settings so that you can tag them in your relationship status. The said person can easily do this by following these steps.
- First, open up the app and click on the Menu button in the bottom right corner.
- Now, they need to scroll down until they see Settings and Privacy.
- Click on that and go to Settings from the drop-down menu.
- Next, they need to click on How People Find and Contact You.
- Once there, they have to change all of the options to Everyone by clicking each choice and selecting Everyone instead of Friends of Friends. Once they have finished these steps, you can now tag them in posts, and people can find them in the Facebook search bar. Now, you can go back in and repeat the process of tagging someone in a relationship status on Facebook. Since they have changed their privacy settings, you should be able to tag them. Doing this will alert your friends and their friends that the two of you are in a relationship. However, if you still cannot tag them in your relationship status update, their privacy setting was not the issue, and something else prohibits you from doing so.
3. Is it Possible You’ve Got a Bug?
Fix – Use
The app on your device may have a bug in it that is causing you to be unable to tag your significant other in a Facebook relationship status update. Thankfully, you can still access Facebook on your device. works the same as the Facebook app but is a website instead. To use, follow these steps.
- Open up a browser on your device. It can be Safari, Chrome, or any other one you use.
- Type into the search bar, and you will be brought to Facebook.
- Once there, type in your account information. If you have forgotten your password, you can easily send a reset link to the email associated with your account and get logged back in. Now that you are logged into the website tag your significant other in your relationship status update. The issue may have been with the app, so using the website can help eliminate the problems caused by a bug. This way, your friends and family can see with whom you have entered a new relationship. Follow these steps to use your PC.
- Open up a browser on a PC. It can be Safari, Chrome, or any other one you use.
- Type into the search bar, and you will be brought to Facebook.
- Once there, type in your account information. If you have forgotten your password, you can easily send a reset link to the email associated with your account and get logged back in. Once you get logged in on your PC, tag your significant other in your relationship status update. The bug may have only been harming the Facebook app on the device you were using previously, so your PC is untouched, and you can update your Facebook page by tagging your significant other properly.
Fix 2 – Use Facebook on Your PC
There might be a bug on your device, so you cannot tag your significant other in a relationship status update on Facebook. Using your PC is another option since the bug is hopefully not affecting your PC either.
Fix 3 – Log Out and Log In
Another quick and easy solution if Facebook is not letting you tag your significant other in your Facebook relationship status update is by logging out. After you log out, log back in. This will hopefully overcome the bug causing you to be unable to tag them in your relationship status update. If you use the app, follow these steps to log out.
- To do so on the app, click on the three lines in the bottom right corner and then scroll all the way down.
- At the very bottom, there will be an option saying Log Out.
- Just click that, and you are officially logged out. If you use the website, instead follow these steps to log out.
- For the website, tap the arrow in the top right corner.
- The last option from the dropdown menu will say Log Out.
- Once you click that, you are logged out from the website. Give both the app and the website a couple of minutes, and then log right back in. Hopefully, this will help give your Facebook app or account a quick reset and allow you to tag your significant other in your relationship status update. Also, if you are afraid to log out due to forgetting your password, you can easily send a reset link to the email associated with your account and get logged back in. Once these steps are complete, see if you can now tag them.
Fix 4 – Clear the Cache
You can also clear cache in your Facebook app, which just erases any data saved onto the app and is no longer needed by you or by Facebook. Doing this is another way you can try to eliminate the bug that is causing your issues with tagging someone in a relationship status update. Thankfully, it takes only a couple of minutes. Follow these steps to do just that.
- On the device that you are using that is having problems with the Facebook app, open up Settings.
- Next, within Settings, go to the page where all of your apps are located.
- Once you are on your app’s page, scroll until you find the Facebook app and select it.
- You will now see a button that says Clear Cache, and click on it. Now that you have cleared the cache on your Facebook app exit out of the app and then reopen it. Hopefully, you can get back to updating your Facebook relationship status properly. If clearing the cache was the solution that worked for you, when you go to add a relationship status on your Facebook account, you should now have the ability to tag them as the person you are in a relationship with. Remember how to clear the cache for all of your apps, as this is a convenient solution to various problems you could encounter on any device.
Fix 5 – Update the App
Another reason Facebook might fail to let you tag your significant other in a relationship status update is that the app needs to be updated. Having so many people use an app will create demands for newer features and content and allow app creators to learn about little fixes they need to make to the app. If this has been done and an updated version of Facebook is available, you might be having these issues because you need an update. To do this, follow these steps.
- First, you must go to the app store on your device, Facebook.
- Next, find the update section.
- If Facebook has fixed this bug through an update, you will see the app waiting in the update section and download the update. You can also select a setting while here that will atomically update apps for you as they are released. This way, Facebook is no longer outdated, and you can get back to being able to properly update your relationship status as you can tag the other person in it. However, there is also a chance that Facebook does not need an update. If you go to the app store, then the update section, and notice that Facebook is not listed there, this means your Facebook app is up to date. Something else is causing your issue of not being able to tag someone in a relationship status update.
Fix 6 – Reinstall Facebook
If all else is still not working and you want to be able to tag your significant other in a relationship status update to inform your friends of this life update, you can also try reinstalling the app from your device. To do so, follow these steps.
- First, delete the app from your phone, tablet, or any other device you are using Facebook on.
- Then head to the app store and reinstall Facebook.
- You will then have to log back into your Facebook account, and now, you can potentially tag your significant other in your relationship status update on Facebook. Also, if you are afraid to log out due to forgetting your password, you can easily send a reset link to the email associated with your account and get logged back in. Once you have deleted and reinstalled Facebook, this may be the solution you need to overcome the bug causing your issues with tagging someone.
Fix 7 – Contact Facebook
Your final Hail Mary is to contact Facebook directly when all else has failed you. Doing this will alert Facebook of your issues with not being able to tag someone in a relationship status update on Facebook. The workers there might have more options for helping you, as well as have the ability to better look at why this issue is occurring to you. You can do this on the app or the website. If you use the app, follow these steps.
- Through the app, click on the three lines in the bottom right corner and scroll down until you see Help and Support.
- Select that option, and Help Center will appear in the dropdown menu.
- You can search for something similar to “I cannot tag anyone in a relationship status update” in the search box, and Facebook will give you various helpful options. If you are not on the app and instead use the website, follow these steps.
- On the website, you click the arrow in the upper right corner.
- Select Help and Support.
- Then choose the Help Center and type in the same thing from the app. If this is still not solving your problem, you can select Report a Problem in both the app and the website instead of Help Center and then pick Something Went Wrong. You can then type in the problem of your inability to tag someone in a relationship status update, and Facebook will directly be able to help you. This will hopefully allow you to finally tag your significant other in your relationship status update post so all of your friends and family can learn about your big life update.
4. The bummer of them all…Facebook is down
Fix – Wait For Facebook Servers to Correct Itself
If a bug is the cause of your issues or Facebook is just experiencing a shutdown, which is why you cannot tag your significant other in a relationship status update, the only option you have is to sit back and wait for Facebook or Messenger personnel to solve the issue. You may remember a very dark time, back in 2021, when Facebook was shut down for almost seven hours. It wasn’t enjoyable, and we hope the app is never down for that long again. It even caused economic problems for businesses and companies that rely on social media for customers. Regardless, if the Facebook system is at fault for your inability to tag someone in your relationship status, only Facebook can fix it, so you will have to wait until they can do just that. One way to check if it is genuinely on Facebook is to go to Once there, type Facebook into the search bar. If you went to and learned that the Facebook server is down and no longer working, the only way to solve this is to wait for the server to come back online. This problem is on Facebook’s end, which means there is nothing you can personally fix to solve your posting problems. The only solution available to you is to wait until workers can get the server functioning and online again. However, in the meantime, you can keep checking and refreshing Facebook’s status to react as soon as the server is back up and update your relationship status for all your friends and family to see.