Facebook has always allowed its users to see other people’s friends if their privacy allows you to and it’s not something that they keep discrete between users. Seeing someone’s best friend will allow you to know if they’ve been friends with someone for a long time, or if they’ve recently just become friends on Facebook. The recently added friends feature allows you to someone’s recently added friends in the order that they’ve been friends. The person at the top of this list is the most recent person they’ve become friends with. It doesn’t specify who added who as a friend, but it does let you know who that the request was accepted.

How to See Someones Recently Added Friends on Facebook

If you want to see other people’s recently added friends, you can do this on desktop and mobile. Since the feature is relatively tricky to find on a mobile, it’s best if you understand how you can see this on your mobile, then desktop. Of course, Facebook directly tells you how you can see someone’s recently added friends on Facebook, but there are more ways than you can tell if they’ve recently added someone on Facebook if the tab has disappeared.


Since you’re only able to see someone’s recently added friends feature is only available on the desktop version of Facebook, to find someone’s recent friends on your iPhone or Android mobile/tablet, you’ll have to request the desktop version of Facebook in your browser. If you see an iPhone:

  1. In the URL, remove ‘m.’ in https://.m.facebook.com. You’ll need to access the desktop version of Facebook because this is the only way that you’ll be able to see the recently added friends tab. Facebook still hasn’t released it to mobile devices but it’s still accessible if you request for desktop on mobile.

  2. You’ll be taken to the desktop version of Facebook in Safari If you’re on an Android device:

  3. Click Request Desktop Site

  4. Doing this will take you to the desktop version of Facebook in Chrome. You’ll need to access the desktop version of Facebook because this is the only way that you’ll be able to see the recently added friends tab. Facebook still hasn’t released it to mobile devices but it’s still accessible if you request for desktop on mobile. To see their recently added friends on your mobile:

This will be in the order of how recently they became friends. The first person on the list is the last person that they recently added as a friend. The further down you go, the less recent they become. If the person hasn’t become friends with anyone new in a long time, then no one will show up in the Recently Added friends list. The fewer people that are on their recently added list, the fewer people they’ve become friends with recently. Since most people haven’t recently added someone as a friend, you’ll notice that the recently added tab isn’t even available for some people. In this case, you’ll need to find a different way to find out who they recently added as a friend, even though it wasn’t that recent.


If you’re on a desktop, then the recently added friends feature is easy to find and you should have no problems with it. This feature is a desktop feature so it’s the first place you should have first wanted to see the feature before trying to explore mobile. To see someones recently added friends on desktop:

  1. Go to Facebook.com.

  2. Go to the search bar and search up the name of the friend that you want to see their Recently Added friends for.

  3. Once you’re on their profile, select Friends.

  4. Select the Recently Added tab. From here, you should be able to see their new friends in order of who was recently added.

Social Revealer

Social Revealer builds up special queries to get access to hidden parts of Facebook. It works on your profile, your friends’ profiles or anyone else’s profiles. All content you’ll see is implicitly shared with you – just not visible. Using Social Revealer, you can see someone recently added friends – this is most useful when the recently added friends tab has disappeared because someone hasn’t made any new friends recently on Facebook.

  1. Install Social revealer extension on your browser.
  2. Open your friend’s profile.
  3. Turn on Social Revealer and find the See Friends option and click on it.
  4. A new tab will open and reveal all friends, including recently added.

Ask Them Who They Recently Added

Another way that you can find out when and who someone recently added as a friend on Facebook is to ask them. This is only useful if the Recently Added tab doesn’t exist for them and you want to know who they’ve become from recently and when. Because it doesn’t exist, you’ll have to find another way. If you’re close enough with them, then you can ask them and it’s likely that they’ll tell you. If it’s someone that would think what you’re asking them is weird, then it’s best not to do it.

How to See Your Recently Added Friends

Rather than looking at the recently added friends list for your friends or someone that you’re curious about, you can check this list for yourself. If you’ve ever wondered who you recently became friends list and potentially want to reach out to them, then you can easily do this using a few methods.

Check Your Recently Added Friends List

If you want to see your recently added friends list, then you simply need to visit your profile and click on the friend’s tab. From here, you want to select Recently Added and you’ll be able to see the friends that you recently because friends with. Other people are able to see your recently added friends just like you’re able to see their recently added friends. Once the people on that friend’s list are no longer recently added, they would have disappeared. If a while has gone before anyone has accepted a friend request, the Recently Added tab won’t be there.

Look At Your Activity

Rather than checking your Recently Added friends list, you can simply just look at your activity log. The Activity log is a place where you can review and manage your Facebook activity. You can scroll through your content or filter it by category to review specific things, such as posts, posts that you’re tagged in, photos and videos, friend requests, and people you recently became friends with. You will see a full list of recently added friends. It will tell you at what date you added a particular friend. This is more intricate than looking at the recently added friends list on your profile. Doing it using the activity log means that you’ll see the exact date that you added them. Plus it won’t expire, the activity log is always there so you can see the dates that you’ve added each person on your friend’s list.

How Long Is A Friend In Recently Added?

A new friend on Facebook stays in Recently Added for 3.5 weeks from when the friend request was accepted. This duration means that you’ll only be able to see someone’s recently added friends on Facebook if they’ve made a new friend within the last 3.5 weeks. This 3.5 weeks duration was tested by someone in the Facebook community a few years ago. Once this time period has gone by, then Facebook will no longer show them on this list because they won’t be classed as recently added. Once this time passes by, if someone hasn’t made a new friend, then you won’t be able to see the Recently Added tab when you go on their friend’s list. This is when you’ll either have to ask them who they’ve recently become friends with (if they don’t remember then tell them to use the activity log) or use Social revealer

Can Someone Hide Their Recently Added Friends?

Due to privacy reasons, you might be opposed to people knowing when you’ve recently added someone as a friend. For example, you may not want your ex to know or you don’t want people asking questions, knowing how to stop people from being able to see when you’ve recently added someone would come in handy right. Unfortunately, it’s no longer possible to hide your recently added friends list to your followers. If you really don’t want someone lurking here and finding out when you’ve recently added someone, you should unfriend the person you don’t want them to see.

Facebook Recently Added Friends Disappeared

If you were able to see someone’s recently added friends for a while, but it suddenly disappeared, it means that they are no longer a recently added friend. If the friend has been on the list for 3.5 weeks, then they’re removed from the list and Facebook will no longer show them in the Recently Added friends list. On the other hand, someone’s recently added friends didn’t disappear, but you’re not able to see the Recently Added friends column in the tabs when you go on Friends. If you can’t see someone’s recently added friends on Facebook, it’s because they don’t have any recently added friends. For Facebook to class someone as a recently added friend, it requires them to have been recent friends. If a time period has gone since they last became friends, then they’ll no longer appear on the Recently Added friends list.

Social Revealer

If the recently added friends list tab has disappeared for someone that you’re trying to spy on, then you can use Social Revealer. Social Revealer builds up special queries to get access to hidden parts of Facebook. It works on your profile, your friends’ profiles or anyone else’s profiles.

  1. Install Social revealer extension on your browser.
  2. Open your friend’s profile.
  3. Turn on Social Revealer and find the See Friends option and click on it.
  4. A new tab will open and reveal all friends, including recently added.

Ask Them Who They Recently Added As A Friend

If the recently added friends tab has gone, then you can simply ask whoever you’re trying to spy on who they recently added as a friend. If you’re close enough with them, then you can ask them and it’s likely that they’ll tell you. If it’s someone that would think what you’re asking them is weird, then it’s best not to do it.

How To See Someone s Recently Added Friends Facebook - 75How To See Someone s Recently Added Friends Facebook - 70How To See Someone s Recently Added Friends Facebook - 58How To See Someone s Recently Added Friends Facebook - 55How To See Someone s Recently Added Friends Facebook - 21How To See Someone s Recently Added Friends Facebook - 79How To See Someone s Recently Added Friends Facebook - 58How To See Someone s Recently Added Friends Facebook - 61