This is a relatively new feature and has not yet seen widespread release in other regions outside of the United States. That being said, some people who have access to the application have reported issues accessing and using the Favorite button feature. For many users, the Favorite button simply does not appear where it is supposed to. This can be frustrating and will keep you from being able to use the feature until the issue causing the error is resolved. For other users, using the favorite button does not add the video to the favorites list. If you have access to the favorite button, all that you have to do is click the button located on the page of the video that you wish to post to your own profile. Once you have done this, the video will automatically be added to your favorites list. You can access your favorites list from your profile page. This guide will provide all of the information that you need to ensure that you can properly use the favorite button on TikTok to add videos to your favorites list. This can be valuable information if you are experiencing trouble with your TikTok application.
Why Can’t I Favorite Videos on TikTok 2022
1. Poor Internet Connection
A bad internet connection is one of the main causes of issues while using the TikTok application. TikTok depends on a stable internet connection to properly process all of the favorite attempts that you make using the favorite button. A bad internet connection can be caused by a faulty router, internet outage, or damage after a recent storm. You should use the list of troubleshooting methods below to help you resolve your internet issues. If you are unable to restore your access to the internet after using the troubleshooting methods listed below, you should consider contacting your internet service provider for more information. Your internet service provider can provide you with the most up-to-date information regarding your internet outage, as well as information regarding an estimated timeframe that your internet will be restored.
Fix – Turn Your WI-FI Off Then On
If your internet connection is not stable, you will likely experience issues trying to access the network features on TikTok. To fix internet issues, consider restarting your Wi-Fi or contacting your internet service provider for more information regarding your outage. To reset your router, simply unplug it for at least sixty seconds. This will give your router time to completely power off and stop any latent functions occurring inside the device. Once you have powered your router back on, it will automatically begin the process of reestablishing a connection to your devices.
Fix 2 – Switch from WI-FI to Data
If you are experiencing issues with your TikTok favorite button, you should consider switching your connection from Wi-Fi to your phone’s data. This can help you bypass any internet connection issues that your Wi-Fi is experiencing by using your phone’s data to connect to TikTok’s servers instead. To switch from Wi-Fi to data on your phone, simply disconnect from the Wi-Fi and your phone will automatically begin using a data connection to access TikTok. You should continue to use your data to access the app until your standard home internet connection issues are resolved.
Fix 3 – Turn Off VPN
You should turn off your VPN if you are having messaging issues while using the TikTok application. TikTok has been reported to have compatibility issues with most VPNs. VPNs are a great way to ensure your privacy and security while using web-based applications. That being said, if you are experiencing issues using the TikTok application while logged in with a VPN, you should consider disconnecting and accessing the TikTok app without it. This can help resolve the account issues that could be causing your favorite button to not work correctly. It can be frustrating to not be able to use your VPN with your applications. It is likely in the future that TikTok will release an update that better supports usage with a VPN.
2. There’s A Bug
Fix – Log Out Then Back In
Logging in and out of the TikTok application can help encourage the application to resolve any account issues you are facing that could be keeping your account from functioning correctly. Like any application, the TikTok application can get hung up due to bugs and glitches. These could cause your TikTok application to not work correctly. Logging in and out of your account will refresh your application and encourage the resolution of any errors that your application could be experiencing. This can force account privileges to be reevaluated and processed correctly if they were experiencing issues due to some internal error the application is experiencing.
Fix 2 – Use TikTok on Browser and Check If It’s There
If you are having location issues with TikTok on your mobile device or the TikTok app, then you should consider using the TikTok browser application to access your account using your phone’s data connection or home Wi-Fi connection. This could help bypass any errors that your TikTok application is experiencing. Using the TikTok browser application operates on separate software that is not dependent on user updates. has all of the same features that the application does but in web browser format. This is often the preferred way to use the TikTok application for some users as it is often easier to navigate using the web page. If you are having problems with your favorite button on the TikTok application on your mobile device, you should consider accessing TikTok from your web browser application to try and resolve your location issues. This could help resolve any problems that your TikTok application is experiencing. Using a web browser application to access TikTok will allow you to use the TikTok web software that operates on separate software that is not dependent on user updates. has all of the same features that the application does but in web browser format. This is often the preferred way to use the TikTok application for some users as it is often easier to navigate using the web page.
Fix 3 – Update TikTok to Get Rid Of Bugs
If you are having issues, it could be because the version of applications you are using are out of date. The TikTok application release periodic updates that improve the functionality and user experience on the app. The updates also serve to fix bugs and glitches that they have been made aware of. Keeping your applications up to date is vital for an optimal experience. If you let your application fall behind on updates, you run the risk of encountering errors and bugs with your TikTok’s application functions more frequently. To update the applications, you will need to navigate to the app store and find whichever application you are trying to update. On the application page in your phone’s app store, you will be able to view any potential update files that are available for your application. You will need to manually download and install the update file for it to be applied to your phone. Once this has been done, you should close and reopen the application and you should have the most current version of the TikTok application. Most phones can be set up to automatically download and install updates so that you do not have to search for them manually. You will need to check your phone’s update settings to enable these settings on your device.
Fix 4 – Clear Your Cache to Get Rid of TikTok Bugs
How you clear your TikTok cache will depend on the type of device that you are currently using to access the application. The list below will walk you through the process for popular mobile devices and web browsers that are most commonly used to access TikTok. If you are using Google Chrome to access TikTok, you will first need to click the three dots at the top right corner of your screen. This will bring up a menu where you can find the More Tools tab. In the More Tools tab, you will find the option to Clear Browsing Data. Click this option and choose the All-Time option. Finally check the Cached Images & Files box and click Clear Data. This will successfully clear your TikTok cache in Google Chrome. If you are using Firefox, you will first need to open the Firefox menu at the top of the screen. Navigate to the History tab and you will find the option to Clear Recent History. Click on Clear Recent History and approve the clearing of Everything and check the Cache box. Once this has been done click Clear Now and you will have successfully deleted your TikTok cache on Firefox. If you are using an Android device to access TikTok, you will need to open your device’s Settings menu and then open the Apps menu. In the Apps menu, you will see the TikTok application. Tap into the TikTok application menu and select Storage. In the Storage menu, you will find the option to clear all of your cache data related to the TikTok application. If you are on an iPhone, you simply need to delete the TikTok application from your device and reinstall it to successfully clear the cache. After you have successfully cleared your TikTok cache, the location issues that you are experiencing have a good chance of being automatically resolved. Keep in mind that these files will immediately begin to be replaced by new cache files. You should consider clearing your cache periodically as it begins to grow larger in size.
Fix 5 – Uninstall and Reinstall the App
When you are having trouble with your TikTok applications, a reinstall can help encourage the resolution of these errors and restart the application running fresh. This is a good solution for many problems people encounter using the TikTok application. To reinstall the TikTok application, you will need to delete the application from your device completely. Once you have done this, you will have to re-download the applications from the app store and reinstall them on your device. This will replace all of the files associated with the applications with new ones. This process will remove any damaged or corrupted files that were potentially causing your issues. You will not lose any of your account information by deleting the application from your device. All of your data is tied directly to your account which means that as long as you can log in to the account that you were previously using, all of your TikTok videos, messages, and comments that you have saved will still be available for viewing.
Fix 6 – Contact TikTok Support
If you are experiencing many persistent issues with your TikTok application, you should consider contacting TikTok support so they can investigate your issue further. You should only consider this once you have attempted all of the troubleshooting methods listed here, as TikTok support will likely suggest many of the methods on this list. You can contact TikTok Support on their website or through the app. There you will find detailed instructions on how to report your issue. First, you will need to provide a detailed account of your problem which will then be investigated by someone at TikTok Technical Support. TikTok Support will walk you through any potential troubleshooting methods that you might have missed and offer detailed suggestions on how to successfully solve your issue. This method requires some patience, as dealing with customer service on the phone can be frustrating. Rest assured that TikTok Support will do all they can to get your application functioning properly.
Fix 7 – Wait For Them To Come Out With A Fix
In some cases, you will simply have to wait for TikTok to release a fix for your issue. This is more common with widespread issues that affect a large group of users on the app. When this happens, TikTok will be made aware of the issue and immediately begin working on a fix to release that will resolve the issue. It usually does not take long for TikTok to release a fix for an issue once it has been made aware of it. The fix will be rolled out in an update for the application that will fix the errors that you may be experiencing. You will need to be on the lookout for the update containing the fix if you have become aware of a widespread issue that people are experiencing on the TikTok application. This can be frustrating, but as previously stated, these issues are generally rare and are resolved quickly.
3. TikTok Is Down
One main reason you could be experiencing issues with your TikTok application is server issues at TikTok. If the servers are down, you will likely experience many issues with connectivity and functionality while using the app, including not being able to properly use the favorite button. Servers are what enable users to connect and communicate effectively through any type of social media application. Server outages are rare, however, and typically only happened during times of scheduled maintenance. That being said, server overloads are possible and will cause you to not be able to access certain network features and will cause issues when trying to use the favorite button in the TikTok application. You can check the status of the TikTok servers on the website of their social media accounts. Server outages are a widespread issue that affects many users of the TikTok application at once. You will have to wait for the server issues to be resolved before you will be able to use the TikTok application. You will likely not be able properly to access your account during a server outage due to the application’s current inability to gather accurate data that matches your account. This will cause you to not be able to log in or use the favorite button properly.
Fix – Wait For TikTok To Go Back Up
If the TikTok servers are currently down, the only thing you will be able to do is to wait for the issue to be resolved. TikTok server outages are rare and typically only happen during short periods of required maintenance. That being said, server overloads and crashes are still possible. Keep an eye out on TikTok’s website or social pages for more information regarding any ongoing server outages or scheduled maintenance. You can expect server outages to be resolved within two hours. More severe server issues could cause the downtime to greatly exceed this estimation. For server overloads, the downtime you can expect is around five to six hours. During TikTok server outages, you will likely not be able to access your account or use the favorite feature. Consider using another social media application in the mean time while TikTok works to resolve the server issues.
4. TikTok Hasn’t Released It to You
The favorite button is a relatively new feature of the app. Because of this, it has not yet seen widespread release across many different parts of the world. Currently, the favorite button is only available in the United States. If you live outside of the United States, you will not have access to the favorite feature until it is released in your region. This can be frustrating but it is important to stagger the release of major software updates to ensure that they are functioning properly. You should consider the troubleshooting method listed below to help you resolve these types of issues.
Fix – Wait For TikTok to Release It to You
The only thing that you will be able to do if the favorite button feature is not currently available in your region is to wait. It is likely that eventually, the favorite button feature will be released in an update for your region. While there is no specific timeline currently outlined for the release of the favorite button feature for other regions, it is likely that it will be sometime in the near future. You should monitor TikTok’s website and social media accounts for more information regarding updates for your area.
Final Thoughts
This guide has provided you with all of the information that you need to ensure that you can use the favorite button feature on the TikTok application. The report button is useful for allowing people to quickly and easily favorite a video that another user has posted on TikTok to their own profile. Using the information in this guide, you can accurately determine the cause of your issue as well as apply the proper troubleshooting method to help resolve it. Keeping your TikTok application functioning properly is important, especially if you use it to promote yourself or a brand. Since the favorite button feature is still relatively new, some bugs and glitches are to be expected. That being said, you will be able to use this guide to help you resolve any issues that could be causing you to not be able to properly use the favorite button feature of the application.