Haptic Feedback is a mechanism that uses moderate vibrations to communicate information to you. In the case of your Oculus, this haptic feedback lets you know that you have performed some action on the game, much like the haptic feedback on your phone which makes it vibrate when you tap navigation buttons or perform some other tasks. However, users have reported situations where the Quest or Quest 2 controllers don’t only vibrate, but:

Make constant buzzing sounds as well


Vibrate constantly even when they do not perform any actions


Vibrate much more intensely than normal

Each of these scenarios indicate a fault with your Oculus controllers or headset. In this article, we’re going to take a detailed look at why they happen, how to fix them, and how to avoid them happening in the future.

Do the Oculus Quest Controllers Vibrate?

We explained the concept of haptic feedback earlier. When you use your controllers, they vibrate gently in your hands as you navigate and perform actions in your game or VR experience. Users hardly seem to notice this because of the unintrusive nature of the vibration. It is when the vibration becomes too intense or constant that it becomes noticeable. So, yes, your Oculus Quest controllers do vibrate normally. If you are new to Oculus and notice gentle vibrations when you perform actions in your VR, please know that this is normal. But if the vibration is too strong or is constant even when you’re doing nothing, or if the controller is making buzzing sounds, then read on to find fixes for those.

Why Is My Oculus Quest Controller Buzzing

There are several possible reasons why your controller may be buzzing or vibrating constantly or vibrating too intensely. The first thing we advise before exploring any other possible reasons, is to try playing another game on your Quest or Quest 2 and see if the error remains. If the controller error stops, then you can be sure it’s particular to the other game. This usually happens when there is a compatibility issue between the VR game and your Quest or Quest 2 firmware. If, on the other hand, the buzzing or excess vibration continues with other games, then the cause is likely one of those listed out below.

1. You’ve Hit Your Controller

Even if you don’t admit it when you contact Oculus support (and you should), you need to know that it’s one of the most common reasons why Oculus controllers develop the buzzing or excess vibration problem. Hitting your controller may take different forms, all of which can result in the buzzing or excess vibration.

You may have struck your headset excessively with your hand during a game, either in frustration, excitement or when the controller wasn’t working well You may have hit one controller against the other You may have accidentally hit the controller against a hard object such as the wall or a ceiling You may have punched the wall out of frustration, with the controllers in your hands You may have dropped your controllers A hard and heavy object may have been placed on the controller at some point

And so on. The bottom line is that any forceful impact on your controllers can result in this buzzing or vibration problem. Also, the fault may not manifest immediately: you may use the controllers for a day or 2 before the effects of the damage show up. Your controllers, like much of the rest of your Quest or Quest 2, rely heavily on sensors to provide the virtual reality experience that you enjoy. When you hit your controller in one way or the other, it could cause damage to the sensors in the controllers, making them to buzz or vibrate abnormally.

2. Glitch

Technological equipment are prone to experiencing glitches on occasion. This is especially true for ones that are smart, that is, run on software programmes. And, the more complex the equipment is, the more impactful a glitch in it will be. A glitch simply means a temporary problem with the software, hardware, or processes of a product, which makes it to malfunction for a while. A glitch could go away on its own or require you to perform a series of actions to clear it. When your Quest or Quest 2 controller starts to buzz or vibrate unusually, it may be the result of a glitch in the software, hardware, or processes. Especially if you are sure that you didn’t hit it. In cases like that, you may need to try a few fixes before you arrive at a solution.

3. Firmware Out of Date

Updates are an indispensable part of anything that runs on a software programme. When a device is out of date, it could run into any number of unpredictable problems. Your Quest or Quest 2 is made up of sensors, a headset, controllers, microphones and speakers, lenses, among others. Any one of these can start to malfunction if your Oculus is not updated.

The updates fix bugs, glitches, performance problems and compatibility issues The updates ensure that your Quest or Quest 2 is able to handle the latest VR titles without problems.

So, when you experience the issue of your controllers buzzing or vibrating excessively, you should check that your Oculus is updated. Please note that your controllers are not updated separately from your headset. As long as both are paired, an updated headset means updated controllers.

4. Battery Is Dead

Your Oculus Quest or Quest 2 controllers use replaceable batteries to power their performance. On Oculus controllers, we have found that:

Dead or low-quality batteries are a major cause of the buzzing, intense, or constant vibration of your Oculus controllers The quality of the batteries even affects the functioning of the headset High-quality Alkaline AA batteries work better than most rechargeable batteries

Therefore, the importance of having working and good-quality batteries for your controllers cannot be overstated. If you are using rechargeable batteries, you should charge them and see if the issue persists. Otherwise, replace the batteries and see if that resolves the problem.

How to Fix Oculus Controller Buzzing

Fixing the buzzing or excessive vibration problem on Oculus controllers requires a bit of patience because you may have to go through many steps before arriving at the solution. We have extensively researched all the possible solutions for resolving this problem, so even if you hit your headset, it’s still possible to find a solution.

1. Wait For the Vibration to Stop

When your Oculus controller starts buzzing or vibrating excessively, it could be a worrisome experience and may cause you to do something desperate like hitting it in hope that it stops the buzzing. This is only likely to make matters worse. We always advise that when the error occurs, the best thing to do at first is WAIT. The buzzing or vibration may be a result of a temporary hardware or software glitch in the controllers or headset which goes away on its own. So, when the buzzing or excess vibration starts, place the affected controller on a soft surface and wait for at least 30 minutes. This has worked for many users. If it does not stop, then you may begin the troubleshooting steps below.

2. Remove and Reinsert The Batteries

The first step to take in trying to resolve the buzzing and excess vibration issue is to remove and reinsert the batteries of the controllers. This is almost equivalent to performing a power cycle on a device that uses direct power supply from a wall socket. Removing and reinserting the batteries after 5 minutes causes the batteries to redistribute charge more effectively; more like a self-heal in your VR games. Please follow the steps below to ensure you eliminate batteries as the source of the problem:

  1. Remove the batteries on the problem controller
  2. Wait 5 minutes
  3. Replace the batteries.
  4. If you are using Alkaline AA batteries, switch the position of the pair when replacing them Use your headset and see if the problem has cleared. If the problem persists:
  5. Charge the batteries if they are rechargeable
  6. Replace them if they are not. This is to ensure that the issue is not with the batteries. Once done and the problem persists, please continue to the next steps.

3. Restart Oculus Headset

We mentioned earlier how the performance of the controller can affect the performance of the headset. Well, it goes both ways. When there is a glitch in your headset, it could cause your controllers to malfunction, including making them buzz or vibrate abnormally. The Quest or Quest 2 headset is essentially the engine of your Oculus, and any issues in it could affect any other part of your VR system. Restarting could resolve the glitch in your headset and make your controllers start working well again. To restart your headset:

  1. Put on your headset
  2. Press and hold the power button on your controller
  3. On the menu that appears, select to Restart
  4. Wait for the headset to turn off and boot again Please do not press any keys during the restart process. When the headset restarts, please use your controllers and see if the issue is resolved.

4. Turn Vibration Feature to Lowest Setting

If you restart your headset and the buzzing, or intense or constant vibration continues, you may try to turn down the vibration feature to the lowest setting. This reduces the level of haptic feedback that your touch produces on the controllers. Please follow the steps below to turn the vibration feature to the lowest:

  1. Put on your Oculus headset
  2. Press the Oculus button on your right controller to bring up the Universal Menu
  3. Click on the Apps icon (the circle with dotted lines at the bottom right)
  4. Click Settings
  5. Click Hands and Controllers
  6. Select Controllers
  7. Under Vibration Intensity, move the level indicator to the extreme left at Low
  8. Exit the menu There is no option to totally turn off the Vibration because your Quest or Quest 2 relies on haptic feedback to function properly. However, turning the vibration to the lowest possible level has resolved the buzzing or vibration issues for some users. If your controller continues to glitch after this, please try other steps below.

5. Reset the Controller and Headset Connection

Sometimes, when your controllers are buzzing or vibrating excessively, it’s because the link between the headset and the controllers is broken. There are a number factors that can cause this such as physical shock to the controllers, software glitch, or an error with the sensors. The first step to take to fix this is to reset the connection between the controllers and your Quest or Quest 2 headset. Please follow the steps below to reset:

  1. Press any button to wake the controller on your Quest or Quest 2
  2. While you have your headset on, press and hold the Oculus button on your right controller. This will reorient the controller
  3. Remove the battery and place it back into your Quest or Quest 2 controller. Then check if the buzzing or vibration stops.

5. Unpair, and Then Reconnect Controller Using the Oculus App

When resetting the connection as described above does not work, you may have to completely unpair and re-pair the controllers. This is sure to fix the issue of broken headset vs controller connection. Please follow the steps below to unpair and reconnect the controllers on your Quest or Quest 2:

  1. Connect your headset to your phone
  2. Open the Oculus mobile app on your phone
  3. Tap Devices from the bottom menu
  4. Tap on the image of your headset
  5. Tap Controllers
  6. Tap the controller that you want to unpair.
  7. Tap Unpair Controller. At this point, it’s a good idea to restart the headset. Then pair again using the steps below:
  8. Open the Oculus mobile app on your phone.
  9. Tap on the image of your headset in the top left corner of your mobile app.
  10. Tap Devices in the bottom right corner of your app.
  11. Tap Controllers
  12. Tap Left or Right depending on the controller you have just pair
  13. Press and hold the and buttons simultaneously on your right controller if you are pairing the right controller or
  14. Press and hold the and buttons simultaneously if you are pairing the left controller
  15. Hold the buttons until the controller LED blinks and then lights up If the problem was a broken link between the controller and your headset, this process is sure to resolve it.

6. Update Your Oculus Headset

As we explained earlier, your device being out of date may cause it to malfunction, including the buzzing and excessive vibration. This is especially the case when you try to use an out-of-date headset to play new VR titles. Oculus release periodic updates for your headset, and the headset is set to update automatically by default. However, network or software glitches, or even interrupted update installation my prevent your headset from having the latest updates. To update your Quest or Quest 2:

  1. Put on your Oculus headset
  2. Press the Oculus button on the right controller
  3. On the Menu that appears, click the Clock icon
  4. Select Settings
  5. Select System
  6. Select Software Update
  7. At the top right corner, select to Update is there is any available. Or
  8. Put on your Oculus headset
  9. Press the Oculus button on the right controller
  10. Select Settings
  11. Select About
  12. Select Download or Install Updates If, for some reason, your headset isn’t set to update automatically when connected to the internet, please change this setting:
  13. Connect your headset to your phone
  14. Open Oculus app on your phone
  15. Select your Quest or Quest 2 headset
  16. Select More Settings
  17. Select Advanced Settings
  18. Select Update Software Automatically

7. Reset Headset

If your controllers continue to buzz or vibrate excessively after performing the previous step, it may be time to reset your Quest or Quest 2 headset. As you use your Oculus Quest or Quest 2 over time, it may acquire bugs from setting, sideloaded games, corrupt or incompatible VR titles, and so on. These can cause the malfunction in the integration between the headset and the controllers. Therefore, a factory reset will remove the bugs and get your controllers working well again. You can follow either of the steps below to reset your Oculus headset. To reset using your Oculus headset:

  1. Turn off your headset.
  2. Hold the power and volume down button on your headset down simultaneously
  3. Hold until the start-up screen loads on your headset
  4. Use the volume buttons on your control to highlight Factory Reset and press the power button to select it
  5. Use the volume buttons to highlight Yes, Erase and Factory Reset
  6. Press the power button to select it To reset using the Oculus app:
  7. Make sure the headset is fully charged
  8. Open the Oculus app on your phone
  9. Select Devices
  10. Select your Oculus Quest 2 headset
  11. Select Advanced Settings
  12. Select Factory Reset
  13. Confirm Reset

8. Repair Oculus Controller

If the buzzing doesn’t stop, or it’s got to the point that your controller won’t turn on, you’ll need to replace repair or replace it. Please note that Oculus officially does not repair its parts. If you have tried all the fixes above and your controller continues to buzz and vibrate, you would need to look for a trusted repairer of VR systems to fix your Quest or Quest 2 controller. Please note the following:

  1. If your controller is broken or has any other form of physical damage, then a repair is a good option This is because, virtual reality systems are complex and quite customized. Software repairs on them are very hard to get right by a third party. Users have often reported that their Quest or Quest 2 started developing bug after bug, after a repair.

9. Contact Oculus Support

You may also contact Oculus to report the buzzing or vibration problem on your controller. If your Quest or Quest 2 is still under warranty (within 2 years of purchase), you are eligible for a replacement, subject to terms and conditions, of course. Before contacting Oculus, please note the 14-digit serial number inside the battery compartment which you will provide to Oculus to enable them assist you better. You could also get help from their official online community. The great thing about the community is that other users can share their experience as well as how they resolved their issues, which may be of help to you.

How to Prevent Oculus Controller From Buzzing

Hopefully, one of the fixes above has resolved the problem of constant buzzing, or intense vibration or continuous vibration on your controller. We have provided some guidelines below on measures to take in order to avoid such problems in the future

1. Do Not Hit Your Controller

We understand how immersive and absorbing Oculus can be. You are likely to do certain things in your excited state whether in celebration or frustration. However, we advise that you try to be conscious of the following:

  1. Do not hit your left and right controllers against each other
  2. Do not hit the wall or ceiling or any hard object with the controllers in your hands
  3. Make judicious use of the Tracking and Guardian features on your Quest or Quest 2. They prevent you from walking into, or striking objects in your playing area
  4. Do not drop your controllers onto the floor
  5. Do not place your controllers under a heavy and hard object

2. Keep Your Headset Up-to-date

We assume that you have made sure that your headset updates automatically, using the steps provided in this article. However, as we explained, the updates may not download and install due to one error or the other. We advise that you check periodically if any updates are available for your Quest or Quest 2, and install them.

3. Do Not Use Low-Quality Batteries for Your Controllers

Whether your batteries are rechargeable or not, always be sure to use only high-quality batteries for your controllers. Low-quality batteries can cause permanent damage to your controllers over time.

Why is My Oculus Controller Buzzing  Try These 9 Fixes - 36Why is My Oculus Controller Buzzing  Try These 9 Fixes - 59Why is My Oculus Controller Buzzing  Try These 9 Fixes - 29Why is My Oculus Controller Buzzing  Try These 9 Fixes - 95Why is My Oculus Controller Buzzing  Try These 9 Fixes - 13